Residential Claims Services
USA Claims Consultants offers adjusting services for homeowners and residential properties throughout South Florida.
We are able to help homeowners throughout the state and in several other states as well, but our focus is primarily on Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach and Monroe Counties.
If your home has been damaged and you need to file an insurance claim, a whole chain of events, deadlines and tasks are created. Most people have not been through this process before and the lack of experience can make this a very daunting process. Depending on the size and scope of the damage, you may even have to find temporary housing for you and your family while your home is properly secured, repaired and renovated. We can help with all of this.
The residential claims process usually involves numerous meetings and phone calls with your insurance company, their adjusters and various contractors. In addition, you would have to spend hours upon hours creating an inventory list of everything in your home that was lost or damaged. This list must include the cost of each item and the current replacement cost for each item. All this time that you would have to spend formulating this list is time away from your life… your family, friends, job, etc. Imagine trying to think of EVERYTHING in your home right now. How much harder would this be after the trauma of a loss? Wouldn’t you rather spend your time after a loss being able to get back to your routine so you can focus on moving forward and let someone else be concerned with taking all the steps to get things back to the way they were before?
We haven’t even talked about depreciation, whether items should be repaired or replaced, preparing and submitting proper paperwork for your additional living expenses. There are lots of ways that insurance companies will try to get you to accept the less expensive option (i.e. repairing or cleaning an item instead of simply paying you to replace the item.) East Coast is fully prepared to protect you from these short pay tactics.
Are you a homeowner who has just experienced a loss?
The best time to call USA Claims Consultants is immediately after a loss has occurred. If you haven’t reported your claim, no problem! We can and will report it for you. If you have already filed, we will notify your insurance company and let them know that we are now representing you and that all communications should be directed through our office.
Whether your insurance company has already sent an adjuster (remember, the adjuster they send works for them, not for you) we will schedule a meeting with that adjuster to inspect the damage and assess the situation. We will also write our own estimate to rebuild and repair.
Next, we will negotiate with your insurance company to get the maximum possible settlement amount (the biggest check possible) to cover your damages and the cost to rebuild to pre-loss condition.
Settlements are NEVER accepted without your consent. We will be there to help you make the best decisions regarding the settlement so that you won’t feel like you are ever leaving money on the table. As we say, “why for less?”
If your policy includes coverage for additional living expenses (ALE) and you have been forced into temporary housing as a result of your loss, we will help you receive reimbursement for those expenses as well.
Finally, our loss draft department will see to it that your check gets processed (from the insurance company, to you, to us to your mortgage holder and then back to you) as quickly as possible.
Relieve yourself of the stress that follows any type of loss. When you have USA Claims Consultants in your corner, you can rest assured that your claim is properly documented and filed. Call us at 954-603-0454 or use the easy “Submit a Claim” form to get the process started and get your FREE on-site inspection.

The insurance companies might tell you that “you’re in good hands”, but the only way to really know that someone has your back is to have a public adjuster “on your side”.